
Welcome to new and prospective families

This is an extremely exciting time to join Prendergast Primary. We opened in September 2014 and now have a full cohort of children up to Year 6. As the school has grown we have become increasingly popular with local families. Through word of mouth in the local community, our reputation as a caring, family school ‘at the heart of the community’ has grown, with excellent feedback from parents. Our school has been described as ‘a hidden gem’, with our 2019 Ofsted inspection praising our outstanding Early Years provision for its ‘resourceful, rich environment inside and outside the classroom which inspires pupils to be creative in their play and learning.’ 

Being part of Prendergast Ladywell 'through-school', all of our Year 6 pupils automatically receive a place in Year 7 in our co-educational secondary phase. The Leathersellers' Federation of schools also offer Sixth Form provision at Prendergast School at Hilly Fields. We are therefore fortunate to be able to follow our pupils' journeys from young child to young adult.

Creativity and a focus on the arts has become one of the strengths of our school – with teachers taking part in action research to develop creativity in our curriculum. We have highly specialist music, dance and drama teachers, giving our children the opportunity to access the arts from the very beginning of their school career. Reception children have performed as part of our choir at the Blackheath Halls, as well as taking part in Lewisham Live where our dance club took starring parts in ‘The Dance of the Cygnets’ from Swan Lake. We are an Arts Award Centre and have two trained Arts Award Advisors on our staff, who facilitate our pupils' involvement in Arts Award. Arts Award inspires young people to grow their arts and leadership talents; it's creative, valuable and accessible.

As a school, we also offer ‘wrap-around’ care from 7.30am to 6pm via Honeybees After School Club which is based on our site.

We admit new pupils in September of each year to our Reception class:

Starting School: children join the Reception class in the September of the academic year they turn five years old. Applications to join our Reception class in this planned round must be made via your local authority. Click here for more information.

We also admit children outside of the usual point of intake into any of our year groups:

In-year admissions: we accept applications for children wishing to join our school in any year group (Reception-Year 6) once the academic year has started. In-year applications must be made directly to the school. Click here for more information.

If you have any questions about our school, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Best Wishes

Vivien Nicholls and Jill Palliser

Co-Heads of School


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